Friday, 4 August 2017

So what it's like to be working as a Marine Biologist? hmmmm...

*Taken at GA - Ocean Park Hong Kong

So what it's like to be working as a marine biologist? what do they actually do? Often people question me about what is it like working as a Marine Biologist assistant or do I take care dolphins, sharks? Hmmm, That does not make any sense but I'm here to tell you the truth behind.

It all starts with love, Love indeed. You must have a kind heart, passionate towards ALL different kinds of species - Many people would think that 'Oh we're called marine biologists so we only conserve and study marine/aquatic organisms'. This is absolutely a wrong thought which I would like to take this opportunity and tell the world that we don't just sit in labs and we care about every animal but the only differences are that our focus is mainly on aquatic organisms. and we do split into two different groups - It's either Marine Ecology and Marine Biology, there are more branches such as Marine Mammal, Marine Birds etc.

First thing first; Why did I choose to become a Marine Biologist rather than becoming a radiographer? (My family were very upset about this)
Humans are selfish, everyone wants to get rich, have a decent house to live in etc. but not for me. a life of 9 -5 isn't for me.
I feel like fullfillng our needs by damaging the ocean isn't a nice thing to do or to appreciate, 

My major focuses on Marine Biology more, as I do not examine any field studies apart from researching corals or fishes in the sea. - I often wear dry suits instead of wet suits therefore when the first time I put on a wet suit I was like very confused. (I'll explain further in my next article)

Anyways, where were we?! Oh! yes! explaining the differences between Marine Ecology and Marine Biology.


 Marine biology is the study of life in the oceans.  well, marine biology involves thoughts of dolphins, turtles, and maybe even some pretty coral-reef fish from Finding Nemo! However, marine biology is a whole lot more than that, investigating all life in the ocean, from the plankton (very small) to the blue whales (very big).  we tend to focus on specific species (chosen species) and answer questions like: 'How do dolphins use echolocation?'  'How do sharks sense the environment?'”.  All in all, some pretty cool stuff in my opinion! that's what attracted me to do a degree in Marine Biology, the marine life is so complicated that 95% of the ocean has yet been discovered. But at the opposite, Marine Ecology is also very important, especially to our ecosystem, because as marine ecologists we link what we know about the biology of a given species with other plants/animals and the environment as well.  This allows questions to be explored like:”Why do ecosystems that are so depleted in nutrients (like the Great Barrier Reef) have such high biodiversity and productivity?”, “What will happen to the local seagrass and fish population if we build a new jetty here?”, and “How does the presence of keystone predators (like sharks) affect not only turtle and dugong numbers but the type of plants we see on the seafloor?”.  Nature is extremely complex, therefore it does take centuries to study.

If we were splitting hairs, ecology is technically a form of biology, but I felt the need to write this post given how passionately I see some researchers stating that they are in one camp or another. Most importantly, we need to have marine biologists and ecologists to help us understand marine organisms and how they interact with the environment and each other.  But as an ecologist (albeit a biased one!) what gets me excited isn’t just finding out how the amazing plants and animals we find in the ocean work, but how they interact with each other and their environment, explaining why we see certain species in some places and not others!
So both field's are unique but similar at the same time.

Just explore and find out your interests :)

Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Pottinger? Portland? Street names that reflects the maritime past in HK

Plotted on the map with familiar names?! not to be so surprised!

Plotted on a world map, the street names show how Hong Kong’s port has moved, as reclamation left the old working water­fronts inland. From a dotty land to an international city - the name of the streets tells me a lot about the maritime past of Hong Kong.  

Hong Kong is my hometown and every time I come back for a visit, Hong Kong greets me warmly with a hug - you will know it because it's the feel of home. - Kelsey Wong

So how did those names come from? Who were they? 

That is a very good question, as Hong Kong has gone through a several colonisation with the British and the Japanese Empire during WWII, as it sits in the southern shore of china near the harbour which can be beneficial to the other countries for trading - A deep colonial history with the British Empire since the 19th centuries after the Opium War - The colonisation has lead Hong Kong becoming one of the world's well known cities and heart of the Asia's economy.
Considering Hong Kong is one of the world’s great ports, street names with maritime connections are remarkably few – no more than 10 per cent of the total. But that is enough, when loaded into a database. and the others are named after our Governors, Prime Minister, King/Queen of UK and other members of the nobility or have authority in the past when HK was ruled centuries under the crown of Queen Victoria till Queen Elizabeth II. In memory of the maritime past we have gone through and the industrialisation.

Image result for 英 皇 道 King's Road located in HK island from Wan Chai to North Point named after King George V, in memory of Queen Elizabeth II's father. 
Caine Road named after the Colonial Secretary 'William Caine' - situated near the midlands.

Image result for pottinger road
Pottinger Street - In memory of Sir Herny Pottinger, Pottinger street is located in Central, and is well known of the unique stone steps in Hong Kong.

But not every Governor were lucky enough to have his own street, such as Sir Edward Youde, Hong Kong's only Welsh Governor was widely liked for his kindly demeanour and greatly admired for his formidable erudition.  Sir Edward Youde was the Governor of Hong Kong when Margaret Thatcher was in pose during the 80s while London is going through depression(29 August 1974 – 15 June 1978), He was also the only Governor in HK died in office.  He went on to serve a total of four tours of Foreign Office duty in China, the last as ambassador, from 1974-78. He also served in Washington (1956 to 1959) and as a member of the British mission to the United Nations (1965 to 1969).
Even though a street name was not given or specially dedicated to him, but a plaque to his memory was commissioned by the Hong Kong Civil Service and placed on the wall of St John's Cathedral, in the Central District of Hong Kong.

And some other silly mistakes have taken place when the Government of Hong Kong was trying to name the streets - such as Queen's Road, as from a linguist perspective it is a derogatory term, in English it signifies the same position and authority with King, but in Chinese Culture there is also an unequal encounter presented - in this context it should be 'Lui Wong' meaning 'Women King' but they have accidentally named it 'Wong hau' which simply means 'Queen', a lower position.

Queen's Road West - named incorrectly
Image result for queens road hong kong street sign

Sometimes Hong Kong make me feel like I'm home, it's like when see you the design of the direction signs and street signs - such as the blue background white text and street names (London has a Gloucester Station while HK has Gloucester Road), it gives me a sense of security of thinking that Hong Kong was part of UK and somehow things are similar, hospitals, streets and monuments named after and so much more, definitely great to travel- and you rarely get any homesick apart from streets are too crowded all the time, even the things are cheap though.


''Hong Kong has created one of the most successful societies on Earth." -Prince Charles

Hong Kong is one of those cities you never really stop discovering. With its breathtaking national parks and a Chinese culture influenced by years of British colonial rule, Hong Kong has unique and enduring characteristics that make it truly special. The city's intrigue will lead you there, while its economic and cultural vibrance will make it impossible to leave. - So why don't we book a flight? Travel to Hong Kong and savour Hong Kong with our own footsteps? :)

Kelsey xoxo

Saturday, 20 May 2017

I was a Queen, it was then... (Monologue)

I was a Queen, it was then... 

It was the end, they shot him, we had a wonderful dream and that was all…

Delphinium leaning on the aureate gate, asters twisting around the benches. Flowers were blossoming, the sun glared out from the bright blue sky – every day I wake up, with brioches; macaroons; croissants and crystal clear flute served on my gilded console table.

My everyday routine is simple to be said. Simplistic designed tiled floors and inlaid taps,
with a special herbal blend with my copper glazed tub, ready to be bathed and the gown was made of English linen and buttoned up to the neck, topping up with silk covered crinoline and pale ashen perukes with my faired skin. Luxury.

Most of the time, actually, every day I read, unlike the others, my life was trapped in a mirrored prison, what makes me happy? Books! And no one truly loves me, everyone was forced to love you, my entire existence is to help the country itself to gain more authoritative within the European estate so as my sisters, therefore since I was little I was seen as a property to my very own country, or should I say – a product?
However, it was about to come to an end, travelling solely as an immigrant to France, miles away from where I was born. It was a thrust upon the throne at seventeen, and little time to prepare for the arduous roles a naive girl such as myself faced. All I wanted and needed was love, a childhood of mine was stolen. And standing upon my own ground, I do but take responsibility for the course of my own actions, not those in which the court has accused me of. Yes, it is true the fact I have led an extraordinary lifestyle; I have heard it all, I have seen it all and I chose to ignore it all.

One day, the gate was opened, more than one gate, we were terrified of the sound of anger so as he, thin-lipped and I could feel the cold within him. ‘Louis!’ I cried. Louis is gone before me. I too followed his footsteps, following all the punishments that he has left for me to redeem. Red on white. I was a fallen angel.
I have never imagined it will end up a tragedy, for all to end so savagely. So cold outside, so blank and grey and unfeeling, untouched. Centuries of rule gone, the streets of Paris running red with blood, it was torn from the crying poor, and I still feel nothing, and it weighs so heavily upon me. The tumbril door opens. Did Louis step here also? Did his death’s feet pave the way for mine?

I trip, I stumble step on the executioner’s left foot. I look up at him, he looks rather unkindly on me, he cries out in pain for a moment, I realised I have caused many problems to make the people suffer, I was the centre of everyone’s pain, particularly in France, the problem will never be solved until they cut me off. So many watching, if I were naked it would be no less violating, it would make no difference, maybe I should strip now just to defy them all, no don’t be stupid, you die with a sense of dignity, die as a Queen even though a crown was taken off but I will leave a mark on history, I want to die all with dignity don’t give them the satisfaction…my head tells me I should have no such care because I will be dead anyways, I try to take a deep breath but the air seems stoppered completely, an anvil on my chest.

Starvation; War; Incest; Murderer of the country they say and once I was the top of the world, now I have fallen, and you took away my crown; a wife, and you killed my husband; a mother, and you deprived me of my children. . . Only the gentle love of a mother can bear the wounds I so agonisingly possess. For a mother, who so lovingly and tenderly doted upon her own children, to be accused of such hideous crimes as incest? My neck was then locked, skin was scattered with scars. , don’t rest your hands on my dress, I said, the combination feels uncomfortably stark, white on white, all is pale in the darkness, stop it, and stop thinking of it, knowing…why did I choose white? Knowing the dress will make the blood stain all the more visible, I realise that soon I will know. I tremble like a leaf.

Monday, 15 May 2017

Don't be mainstream! 'TRAVEL BLOG'

My extraordinary life! To one of the world’s most exciting forest!

The sun rises from the East, shining bright across the Amazon River, as known as home to over 3000 species natural habitats where they crawl and slay little puny midgets.
The Amazon Forest, situated in South American and it is often described as a ‘dangerous place’, a place that it is very unusual If the guardian or parent’s taking little monsters – referring to mischievous kids here. So what experience was it like? Dangerous, dangerous and dangerous I suppose!

Unexpected.  That’s how I would describe Amazon as a place that has kept its tradition, though has been said many random species will come and bite little kids! – Ouch! Often being described as a ‘threatening’ ‘dangerous’ ‘mysterious place that if you get lost no one could come and find you’ and so much more. Amazon is definitely not the most recommended place in the world to go on a family trip with your monkeys if they don’t behave well. So what was my experience then?

Tough, but enjoyable.
This is the furthest and probably the toughest challenge I have been ever taken in my life, visiting  a place where you can get slaughtered to many different ways that you wouldn’t even expected how ‘they’ will be doing it.

Touch the poison dart frog, I dare you if you want to become the parody of sleeping beauty, or should I say a meal to be? – ah!
Walking down alongside the river bend as the shallow water rushing and flushing down so quickly, water splashes and hits the rock like they’re having a fight, this is extremely necessarily looking after little monkeys as they might end up the piranha’s meal.
Gero tours - walking unsteadily on bamboos; bamboo sticks everywhere; birds singing; actively hot during the day and cold as the Antarctica at night due to rapidly change in the climate, hot and humid. It could lead to dehydration if you don’t drink a plenty of waters, even though water is available anytime due to there is a ‘river’ but be careful as it may be lice’s looming inside the water – Yuck! Devil and the deep blue sea, water splashes, shocking, and unconsciousness...carnivores lurking around the edge, a sick and dying manatee’s had been taken down and finished off by a school of ravenous piranha during the dry season when they are notoriously aggressive. From miles away you can hear my tacky voice – apparently shouting was a definite action in this trip because you will never know what will happen to you next in terms of you might be followed by trillions of bullet ant, who knows?’

The next following morning we were strolling down the forest – the smell of the species richness’s in the biodiversity, green; red; blue – so colourful and tall gigantic attention-getting tree trunks within a maze-like forest, and the monsoon rain could drag down these brutal trunks, where you had to jump in and out and not to fall. Keep your balance.  ‘How am  I going to conserve this place?’– the question throws me into a thought of , indeed it is extraordinary to see such things especially we live in the inner cities  where nature has been buried alive and unrevealed due to civilizations – or never be able to reveal. Shocking.
 As we reached down an unknown forest, greeting the natives with their house being built on branches, sounding so dramatic and satisfying as there are over 30 different of them living in such awe-inspiring environment – blue fronted amazon; spectacled owls; hyacinth macaw as they are looking very glamorously for the ‘Carnival do Brazil’ or more like a haute couture being held in the forest.  It  seems like an animated film being brought to life whereas they are so amazed of Mother Nature’s creation.
As the weeks goes by we finally reached our final destination ‘Meetings of waters’, standing between the dark Rio negro and pale sandy coloured Rio Solimões, learning about the reasons behind the river colourations, made myself appreciated what I have learnt from their chemistry class in school, great opportunity on applying knowledges in nature. I was very surprised that they were fighting over trying to explain the idea behind to me. Amazon isn’t just an ordinary place, it is a place that stretches your children’s mind.

Being mainstream isn’t good, visit some other countries and be an extraordinary family unlike the others.

Saturday, 13 May 2017

Flushing all over to this!

I wanna be like other girls;


Where to start and how to start; It was indeed a fabulous afternoon and great for having an afternoon tea, in addition to avoid the reality. Reality is harsh and I know all about this.

So, I decided to pop into one of the more enchanted and tastiest bakery - or coffee shop if you refer. Which is called 'THE CREAMS - BRITISH LUXURY'.

It was a shock when they had a massive menu in front of the store emphasising their new creation : The Freakshake.

Hmmm, I couldn't resist the temptation therefore I ordered one, a strawberry flavoured one.

It was beautiful the way how they have assembled the whole dessert together - Calories isn't bothering me because sometimes I would like to take a break from going to the gym or monitoring my calories.

Girls should really eat what they want, if food makes you happy then go for it! Nothing can stop you! - unless you feel like you wanna be those size zero models!


Does this make you lose your appetite? Hahaha definitely no!

So how would I start describing it? It looks very different to the adverts because in REALITY - It is so much better and cuter than I thought! 

Strawberry flavoured Macaroons <3 my favourite, with a sprinkle of yellow/white little round sweets + strawberry cupcake with jam inside...

The best part was the vanilla milkshake because overall it wasn't too sweet, was well mixed blended together with the vanilla ice cream.  I was expecting something more than that really! - but it surprised me as the sweetness is well balanced -  Definitely worth a five start rate from my point of view.

I've always enjoyed visiting different cafes or restaurant, not because I love food, I think it is more like an experience or an opportunity for me to explore the food and how different companies manufacture their food till the greatest.

Fancy popping in? Here's the address!!!

Address: The Core King Charles Street 
             The HeadrowLeeds LS1 6JE, England


Sunday, 7 May 2017

The Earth has music for those who listen - Malham

Unrevealed Beauty; - Malham

Ecology, or Ecosystem if you prefer is the most fascinating or wonderful thing you'd ever find in the world, as most of us should be conscious and aware of the beauty within Mother Nature.- Often hidden due to civilisation :)

xoxo <3 

Monday, 10 April 2017

Film Review - Beauty And The Beast

The Beauty and the Beast is a well known fairy tale written by a famous French novelist known as Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve. There are a number of different versions of the tale across the Europe and it was published in 1740. It is estimated that the tale was originated around 4,000 years ago and was succeeded a lot among people.

Undoubtedly that Beauty and the Beast was an unique Disney movie, for some decades it shows the reality of how women were treated in the past, freedom and telling us 'Don't judge a book by it's cover'... 

 Book equals knowledge in the past

The writer symbolises the book equals knowledge, that is why Belle has been described as 'odd' 'weird' and 'unusual' girl in her town, where boys were only educated. Fortunately she was well educated as her father is willing to teach her to write (There are exceptions!)
It was clearly shown in a particular scene while Belle was teaching a little girl how to read however she was then criticised of her action by the Headmaster of the town.  Be true to yourself we all know we're living in a patriarchal society where Men are seen as superior as they're more muscular and do more work then us?
In contrast surprisingly Belle wasn't portrayed as a weak or a girl is incapable of choosing her path, she had the choice to reject Gaston and choose the Beast. Furthermore at the end SHE was the one who saved the Beast, or should I say mutually. The writer has predicted that Belle and Beast must be together at the end as the first letter of the title indicates they must be together, Gaston will never be the one as in French ; Gaston means 'Guest' 'Stranger' so definitely there isn't a chance for him.

There must be more than this provincial life!

It is indeed, she was also like the ladies in her town where she was unable to explore the outside world, the only thing she ever come across with the outside world is her father going to The Market each year to bring her red roses. 
Consequently her father was imprisoned due to he tried to pick up red roses from the Beast's castle, the Beast wouldn't let him... as the Red roses has the meaning of 'True love', but the Beast never show love to the outsiders therefore he stopped Belle's father from picking it up.
It also shows the only way Belle could live a not so provincial life is that stay with the Beast - this has something to do with Gender as this may indicates the fact Women weren't able to leave a particular place without a MEN.

Don't judge a person by his/her appearance ;

Having lived a life in selfishness, a young prince is cursed by a mysterious enchantress to having the appearance of a monstrous beast, he then never mentioned his name or family anymore - a curse has been made and everything in the castle were objectified, winter in four seasons. Even the most selfishness person in the world will have a small dim of conscience presented within their heart...He may be a beast but he still has a human heart. But as you know most of the people have the ideology settled in their mind thinking that 'Beast' are cruelty, nasty or violent, it is true but not with him because he saved Belle! 
As long as you have the commitment of changing or slightly improves her personality then everything is possible. The appearance doesn't tell you all about a person's personality, you need to be willing to spend time to discover the positive side of him/her.

Love is essential in life but with mutual respect and trust

As much people know how did Gaston treat Belle's father and the Beast by trying to kill them in order to make Belle his wife but if it was a one sided relationship then no one would be happy or neither  future child,  Belle is more like a prize to him, we can tell from how his side kick always mentions things about 'War' 'Winning' and 'Women to make him calm.  Too self-centred! In contrast of The Beast he showed his interests and tries to open his deep heart and declare his love to Belle, and willing to set her free.  In addition to this also when they both saved each other twice.
Freedom plays an important part within this context as it indicates they have the choice to choose or live what they like. 
The phenomenon is known as 'Happiness'.

As much people have thought about fairy-tales are always simple minded and have the same plot as always, maybe try and stretch your mind a bit - outside the box perhaps? 


Kelsey xoxo

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Why can't I be a heroine??

Opinion article on Is Women’s language weaker than Men?

While growing up, we were socialised that heroes were mainly man – therefore have embedded the patriarchal ideology within our innocent mind, Think about it, we have all grown up with many images and from novels to movies of what constitute a hero and this cultivates culture expectation, Let us look at some in detail? Shall we?

Look at Cinderella, her blue gown, fine blonde hair and a skinny woman however living in such extreme environment treated badly by her stepmother which is actually a bad thing, what could she do to get herself out of the tragic zone? Well you’re throwing me a question so let me tell you it’s that there’s always a hero will solve this issue which is – Prince Charming with his muscular muscles. He saves Cinderella by running around the town and chose her to become his wife, but as most people will not be aware of the way how she didn’t choose Prince Charming to become her prince? In this context it’s a way of how society is indicating a women has no control of her life, seen as a possession and they often need someone to rely on , like mice’s, magic and men!

The point I’m trying to bring out is that all the ideologies has started to embed since we were little, just like how they portrayal women as a weaker sex therefore it’s language is weaker, well it is surely not the case because in most recent researches women are seen to be using language differently in contrast to men, Deborah Tannen has said ‘Different sex aim for different things in a conversation’ which means we aren’t people from different planet, it’s just that we live in the same planet speaking the same language but not the same dialect. It’s like women has to speak in a certain way to be seen as more feminine, which absolutely makes no sense because there aren’t such definition for how a women should be acting in order to become more feminine, but certainly a high pitched squeaky voice sometimes do make you look like an idiot.

I think Lakoff’s theory is a bit too extreme in terms saying Women’s language is weaker, the use of tentative language will lead to some disadvantages, like preventing themselves getting a promotion but that isn’t the case though, I can’t challenge her theory as in some features were very true however look at the world! More and more women are working in leadership positions which is absolutely fantastic, you can find heroines in workplaces, there are 2 female Politian working within the G9 group however the ratio is still small compare to Men, but it is a great massive improvement in our society, we aren’t preventing ourselves getting a promotion, it’s because the way how we use language differently, us, women tended to aim for Overt prestige which we rather make someone feel orientated or nice instead of being competitive or often challenges the other – the phenomenon has been named as Rapport talk, To be honest if a women started to have such challenging conversation she will be seen as rude so that’s probably why we add so many politeness strategies into our sentence and this may make us look even weaker due to we literally add endless of politeness strategies! But Janet Holmes has indicated the fact about this is a way of how women helps and keeps the conversation going on – but lakoff’s theory is a bit too simplest in terms of just seeing women’s language in a one way, she has to think wiser and outside the box!
I guess one of the reasons could be the way how the patriarchal society often do not give a chance for women to expose their strengths in terms of not giving them a particular job roles which is frustrating from my point of view, like adding the suffix ‘ess’ to indicate a specific job role should led by a men but not a women because she can’t work properly. Absolutely none sense! But that doesn’t stop women can’t be heroine in their own rights, we are living in 21st century!
Even though our culture tends to celebrate masculinity when it comes to being a hero, we can still look at all the great quantities of heroines and appreciate them – we have many examples in our lives such as our grandma, mum or aunties!
Remember both heroines and heroes do compliment with each other so don’t be too fussy about it, we’re just different, the same coin with different sides and patterns.

Kelsey <3

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

English is not sexist, it has been altered to become sexist by stereotyping


It’s hard to discuss whether a language is sexist or not, as our language is undergoing gender neutrality in terms of more gender-neutral alternatives has been created within the past 20 years. Which shows a big improvement on how the power in discourse is shifting within our society embedded with the patriarchal ideology. Recently I have been watching an interview with the BBC, interviewing a female engineer about her daily life – marked form is used positively within this context. 
How shocking and strongly how the patriarchal ideology has been embedded in my 6-year-old son’s mind as he has questioned me ‘Mummy why could this woman become an engineer, she is a woman though’. My first reaction was to freeze and unsure how to answer his question. But it was absolutely normal having this kind of thought, as we all know living in the UK means you have to accept the fact this is a country which speaks a language with an inequality. Even the EU has strongly emphasized banning the use of marked forms, but why do we still use it, though? Is it still valuable in a society moving towards gender neutrality? 

Well, blame the English teachers in primary school. English teacher has always taught us the vocabs about jobs, food or even just normal words we use in our daily basis, but reinforcing what has been discussed, the educational system is responsible for the use of marked forms and ideology. Because the teachers tended to teach us words such as ‘Policemen’ ‘firemen’ ‘surgeon’ and quite unfamiliar to see words that associates with women gender being taught unless it is a nurse or ‘mid-wife’. A reflection on a feminist theory published by linguist Dale Spender, he said adding the suffix ‘men’ or ‘ess’ strengthens the perceptions that the male category is the norm and that it corresponds the female category is derivation and therefore less important. 

Or maybe because women are seen to be ‘weaker’ sex as linguist Robin Lakoff published her deficit theory in the 70s about the fact women uses weaker language, may have illustrated an imagery to the others where woman are not strong enough to catch thieves or save the day. Indeed you may have noticed that the ideology has started embedding since we were young but we have not been aware of it, furthermore to bring out a concept on jobs which some jobs can only be carried out by a specific gender. I am sure you are very aware that no one uses these terms anymore and are becoming more obsolete as there is more gender neutral phrases are being created within the past years. 
Therefore I do not see the point why do we have to judge people what work should they be doing depending on their sex. 

Just like how women has to identified their marital status, for example attending my son’s parent evening, the school he goes to would ask me to fill in a slip with a title ‘Mr/ Mrs’ has already been filled in by the school itself automatically by computer, they were the only 2 options. Like do I have to be married to become a mother? Since when does the title ‘Mrs’ has been used as one size fits all? The Swedes has recently introduced a new gender-neutral title ‘Hens', I’d be so much happier if they have used that instead of being stereotyped as a married woman. 

Our language is changing anyways but it takes a bit of time – nowadays the use of a male pronoun to refer to both men and women. Using ‘he’ or ‘his’ to refer to humans in general (known as ‘male as norm’) is actually still fairly common, probably because no-one is actually completely sure what the grammatically correct alternative is. 
Using the plural ‘they’ or ‘their’ never sounds quite right when we are actually referring to the singular. Another option is to change the focus of whatever is being said by the second person, using ‘you’ and ‘your’ – but, of course, this can completely change the register of the sentence. It’s difficult to determine whether or not language is sexist or not, it may have been like this all the time. I realized the way how I greet my friends using a word that looks like gender neutral but actually has the implication of manpower, such as calling my female friends ‘Hey guys’ or the utterance ‘oh, man’, our language is littered with expressions refers to men as the powerful collective. it is unbearable in the English language as men have the power and the authority in charge within our society. Until we have equality in our language, it’s difficult to argue for equality in language elsewhere, which is why it’s so important that change is encouraged. And we can quite easily encourage it by giving a little more time and thought to the words we use, like use more gender neutral alternatives. Surely this will take a while in our lifetime, probably 20 years? 30? 40? – all we can do now is that simply make little changes and live happily. Eventually one day we will have equalities within our language or in every language. 

*Please note this is based on my personal views, no offense 


Saturday, 25 February 2017

We were stayin' in Paris, getting away from our parents!

 Paris - city of love ...or is it?

An untold story I would like to share with the others.

The sun rises from the east, shining bright across Paris, as known as the capital of France, whereas millions of visitors came to visit every year.
They flock to the city, visit the Eiffel tower, her legs are strong, standing still in the central of the city, smiling towards everyone who walks beneath her...The sorrow in her face has told me being strong all the time isn't beneficial at all...

I flew all the way from the United Kingdom, landed dramatically seeing Paris, one of the world's greatest city (as an Alpha city), nonetheless food, fashion and arts, nothing in the world could compare with the greatest collections they have in the Museum de Louvre.
Walked around, faded away.
I came to the city with tears, saddened the day would be the night for me here, closing my eyes hearing my heart beats fast... realizing I stand no position in his heart. 
Alongside the river seine, water flushes away quickly and gently - reflection from the surface of the water showed me my drained face... showing sorrow on the face, bitter within the mouth but not willing to speak up.

Alone, unknown, back stooped, hands crossed.

I will never be able to see the glow of his face, cheeks or smile because I am just an anonymous to him, we used to be so close, however, tightened by a loose string... 
She asked where do you want to go, and he follows.
I stand alone, alone. seeing your face with happiness.
He was my north, south, west and east, she tore everything apart all I left was memories in my brain, maybe long term memories?
I had the chance of confessing myself, but would he even be able to listen to everything I say, especially his heart clings to the girl he likes... Standing in front of the Tour de Eiffel, crying with a resentful, remorseful and regretful feeling.
Heart full of unsatisfactory, asking myself 'Why, I was supposed to be the girl you're hugging', strolling down an alleyway in floods with tears.

I say Goodnight, he says Goodbye coldly.


Friday, 17 February 2017

Berlinale - Berlin's International Film Festival


An absolute honour to be invited by Audi DE to the Audi VIP Lounge to experience something I have never dreamed about it.
Walking on red carpets, waving at famous movie stars and film directors.

Definitely an unforgettable experience and luxurious moment to remember.
An opportunity for me to meet different people, I spoke to a few journalists which they came from Franc, Italy and Portugal.
I was stood there with a cool toned face, very shy until they started to approach me haha.

Berlinale Palast - 2/09/2017 - 2/19/2017

This is no joke, the news reporter was in front of me

Free drinks in Audi lounge, as it was very very cold and dry.
The lounge is situated outside so it was freezing, but I am so glad free hot drinks were given.
I order a small pint of Apple Ginger Juice


Kelsey xoxo

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Ich liebe dich :)

 Brandenburg Tor - He was my north, east, south and west

On my way to Brandenburg Tor, one of Germany's famous monument!

Sunset at 5pm - Berlin

Dawn, sunset... Brandenburg Tor in Berlin has gone through a lot of things, especially the war since the 18th century till now. 

MALL OF BERLIN - 5 minutes walk from Brandenburg Tor

Mall of Berlin,  located 5 minutes away from the Brandenburg Tor, I walked from Brandenburg Tor on a freezing cold winter night, but it was worth a visit, while you're strolling down the street you'll walk past the memorial blocks of the Jews. 
Make sure you make your way down in the morning if you want to visit the Jews Museum or the memorial statues, no street lights or anything at night - MAKE SURE YOU DON'T WALK ON IT TOO.

Mall of Berlin - for me it is definitely a paradise as you can see it is massive and has over 300 stores!!

Sony Center in Potsdamer Platz - 

Sony Center contains a mix of shops, restaurants, a conference center, hotel rooms, luxurious rented suites and condominiums, offices, art and film museums, cinemas, an IMAX theater, a Legoland Discovery Centre, and a "Sony Style" store.
 During major sports events like the 2006 FIFA World Cup, the center also had a large television screen on which the games were broadcast to viewers sitting in the large open area in the middle.
The Sony Center is located near the Berlin Potsdamer Platz railway station, which can be accessed on foot. A large shopping center is nearby, as are many hotels, the Deutsche Bahn central offices, and an office building featuring the fastest lift in Europe.

Visiting Potsdamer Platz at night is a totally different experience in contrast of during day time, I remembered that I walked passed the Sony Center during day, nothing special it was just an ordinary shopping center , isn't attractive or maybe I should say the Neon lights aren't turned on,therefore it was just completely normal.
Heading back during night - before the Berlinale International Film Festival
Absolutely stunning, marvellous and I couldn't express how beautiful I'd describe this place...

Sony Center displays a "cyberpunk corporate urban (futuristic)" aesthetic.
Looking at the architecture and the building of the Sony Center, it's unique, I mean I'd never ever find something like this in London, especially an outdoor mall.

Sony Center
10785 Berlin

Kelsey xoxo 

Divided not only the city but the world. - MEET BERLIN

Berlin - stands upon the vast European Plain in Northeastern Germany, on the banks of the River Spree

Berlin's history has been one of the most triumph and tragedy, tyranny and transformation, brought to her knees by the two World wars and then divided by The cold war between the East and West Germany (1961-1989).
However, this glittering city has been reemerged to become one of the world's top economic and creative powerhouse.
Furthermore, Berlin enjoys an air spaciousness which is very unusual in European cities, I always see forest and tall trees around me, and the leaves fell off leaving all the tree trunks, giving me an illusion of the forest in Corpse bride(Movie created by Tim Burton).
That grim and dark feeling I must say I have never experienced such things before!

For 28 years, the Berlin Wall - the most potent symbol of the Cold War - divided not only the city but the world.
Twenty-five years after its fall, little remains of the barrier between East and West,
but those seeking to understand its impact needn't look far.

Learning the story of the wall has given me a thought of how valuable freedom is.

Nonetheless, I may not be German or have not been experienced any of the World War but by reading the posts and visiting the exhibitions inside the East Side Gallery, you will finally understand how valuable freedom and money is to East Germany in the past.
They crawl over the walls risking their own life just to cross the border to West Germany - people who get caught will be taken to prisons or somewhere no one knows...

East Side Gallery is a monument to freedom of expression -

Wall murals had previously been a highlight for visitors and a Berlin attraction for years but were only to be found on the western side of the Wall. The artists transformed the grey concrete rearticulating this into a lasting expression of freedom and reconciliation.

Standing next to the Letter 'M' - a priceless artwork in Berlin

Wearing black as this is a black history, a history that no one wants to be reemerged or be told again :)

East Side Gallery - 
10243 Berlin, Germany

Kelsey xoxo <3