Thursday, 29 December 2016

Hong Kong - Central - Duddell Street

Duddell Street - Bing sutt Starbucks

Most of the people wouldn't notice there is a unique Starbucks located in Duddell Street, literally between the 4 gas lamps.
While strolling down the street near the Pedder Street ( I was looking for the Stone steps street), suddenly I felt exhausted and thirsty. As a local, we would just go for a drink quickly.
I saw the Starbucks logo and decided to go for a drink while walking in, there was an extraordinary smell...

I smell ' Egg tarts'??  - You wouldn't get such things in other Starbucks in Hong Kong.

Little history behind the Bing sutt.

Hong Kong retail design store G.O.D. collaborated with Starbucks and created a store with a "Bing Sutt Corner" at their store on Duddell Street. It is a concept that fuses the retro bing sutt, a Hong Kong teahouse style with the contemporary look of a coffeehouse.
Bing sutt is a type of traditional coffee house in Hong Kong. Commonly found in 1950s and 1960s-era, it is characterized by old furniture and settings such as the small tiled floors, hanging fans, folding chairs and so on. Bing Sutt provides light meals and drinks and is neighbourhood-oriented.[1] It is believed to be the predecessor of Cha Chaan Teng.
Hong Konger's love to spend their tea time inside a bing sutt or somewhere nice. - Only wealthy people go to cafes or restaurants back in the days!!!
It is situated between the stairs (or an alley if you say so!)

Duddell street's 4 gas lamps.

exotic. unusual feeling

'Choices of Cold drinks'

Kelsey xx

13 Duddell St, Central, Hong Kong
Starbucks Coffee, Address

Wednesday, 28 December 2016


 Welcome to LAN KWAI FONG, before I start this article, I would like to introduce you a little history behind LKF.

Lan Kwai Fong as an area is defined by D'Aguilar Street and the smaller lane, Lan Kwai Fong, an L-shaped, cobble-stoned lane. Both streets turn 90 degrees to form a rectangle. It is near the Mid-Levels. Its eating and drinking establishments are considered upmarket in price and the area is also considered a tourist spot. From the west side of the rectangle, Wo On Lane and Wing Wah Lane extend to host several more spots for drinks and food. The area arguably extends to Wellington Street and Wyndham Street, through to the Hong Kong Fringe Club. It is also home to a small number of art galleries.

Clubbing and drinking is a must 'DO' in LAN KWAI FONG, even though it could get so crowded and dangerous at night but it was a good experience to see and experience the night life in HK.

Eating Godiva Ice-cream 

 @ Hard Rock with my Blue devil!

HONG KONG - Victoria Harbour

What a memorable trip after spending 2 weeks in Hong Kong, 
A city has been serenaded by the Victoria Harbour.

Every time I land in Hong Kong, mostly during winter, Hong Kong greets you with her warmest alongside with love...
I may even call this feeling 'HOME'.
 Taken by - Kelsey Wong

Full of remorse after I left this city, realizing there is nowhere in the world, not even London or Tokyo could replace such tremendous place even though you may have complained about the level of light pollutions.

VICTORIA HARBOUR - Looking from Tsim Sha Tsui to Central

- Number 1 ranking on Tripadvisor

Victoria Habour is a natural form harbour situated between the Hong Kong Island and Kowloon, boats and ships sailing around inside an international city, showing the histories behind the Harbour.
Long famous for its spectacular views, the harbour is a major tourist attraction of Hong Kong. Lying in the middle of the territory's dense urban region, the harbour is the site of annual fireworks displays and its promenades are popular gathering places for tourists and residents.

Without the Victoria Harbour or being one of the British Colony's we wouldn't be as shine as we would have been now.

Those dots makes a star, therefore it is called 'Star Ferry' , this is also what makes this amazing 13 minutes journey so calm and enjoyable at the same time!
Seats inside the Star Ferry
 As a local - we do love taking ferries to travel because it hasn't got any traffic jams and could travel quick (If I had to go to Central from TST - MTR takes 2 station to get there!).

Blurry ferry sailing in the Victoria Harbour.

Thank you Hong Kong.

Kelsey xx

Monday, 10 October 2016



I have never felt like this before, due to the fact I have lots of work to do during weekday's, until my friend sent me a message about going to the gig! why not? 
I thought these gig(s) are going to be boring but when I walked out the venue, I was like : Yeah sure, sure there will be a next time.

Additionally, he is a guitarist and plays in a band called the 'Kernel Panic'.


Vocals & Rhythm Guitar: Pedro Lead 
Guitar: Bryan 
Bass: Andy 
Drums: TJ

Special shout out to Bryan's amazing guitar skills!!!!! 

I did have fun chatting and chilling with you guys, and it was a pleasure to see your performance.

Furthermore, I paid quite a lot of attention while watching ' Circus of Insanity', there was a bit of humour and acting during the show , I mean it's not what I expected at all ,therefore I find it very interesting!
It's like zombie but in a cute way obviously!!
I really enjoyed their songs, It's very catchy and the melody was good, even though I got hit. (laughs)

Ellen - The prettiest keyboardist I've met in my life! 

With the gang as well.

Thank you for reading.

Kelsey x

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Happy National Poetry Day!

Happy National Poetry Day! Am very excited because it is the day when people celebrates poetry's.

 Here, I am dedicated to tell everyone about my favourite poem through out my life, not full of encouragement but I love the words about it and how the poet trying to represent himself in this poem.

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone

W. H. Auden

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead,
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.
For nothing now can ever come to any good.

Kelsey x

Saturday, 1 October 2016

'Movie' or 'film'?


All the time, all the time , there has always been some words that do confuses people, for example, words such as 'Fall' and 'Autumn'.
They both have the lexical field of  'weather' but described in different ways, to the people who are not familiar with American English like the British people, they might think 'Oh yeah, that's a pile of bullsh*t'.

Back in the days where English has originally formed from French/ Latin words, could have been much more and more histories behind the whole thing if you're talking about history. However, I am definitely not going into such deep talk about it. - it may bores you and me!
Recently I have been reading an article about English Language and noticed that the 'TH' sound in British english will be gone by 2066. whereas no more proper British language due to the muticulturalism said by the linguists in this research.
As a linguist in English Language, I do feel disgraced, devastated and concerned about the whole situation we are in now.

Multiculturalism is important;

According to researches from the tourists, visitors came from different places around the world expecting to see and hear Queen's English (or Standard English you may refer to) on the street while banging on the street. but this may be gone after 50 years due to multiculturalism, SE could be extincted forever!

'Given the status of London as the linguistically most influential city in the English-speaking world, we can expect to see significant changes between now and the middle of the century' - Dr Dominic Watt, a sociolinguistics expert from the University of York.

We're an English speaking country (proud to be!) - however, a lot of the things are influenced by the Americans such as TVs, Magazines, Films or even netflix.
The majority of the people, including 'you' who is reading this article may have been using some American slang words at some point, does not matter where are you from or which language do you speak.
90% of the people in the world are learning english, but only 25% could speak proper English because American English has evolved to become less formal and much more simpler, so foreigners does find it easier to learn American English.

A lot of non verbal communication skills are also replacing English Language, so Emojis may be part of your life by the time we reach to 2066.

Reporter - Kelsey Wong

Thursday, 18 August 2016

A place to introduce - Kowloon Walled City

The Kowloon Walled City was an amazing and extraordinary place for people to live in,  it was once the most densely populated place on earth. 
It is also known by the locals as '三不管地帶' - No mans land. - for more information :Info of the Walled City .
If you ask me how would I explain this place to you, I'll probably say It's like the Vatican City in Rome. where it is a small place but with it's own rules and things.
Basically a lawless area of Hong Kong and what it is today 20 years later(Now developed as a park in Kowloon City).

The Walled City contained 33,000 residents within its 2.6-hectare (6.4-acre) borders. From the 1950s to the 1970s, it was controlled by Triads and had high rates of prostitutiongambling, and drug use
The reason why I chose to introduce this place to the others out there because it is an extraordinary place, no one from outside the 'city' dare to go in there or live. Even my parents or grandparents hasn't been here before, because as the locals said : Once you get in here, you wouldn't have the chance to get out. Due to the high rates of criminality.
Dead bodies are everywhere due to there were drug dealers, Wall street journal once interviewed a former triad and he said : Rich people take 'red pills' or opium, people who are not rich but still could afford drugs take 'Heroin'. this also shows a juxtaposition in the city, you're rich then you can do whatever you want - even killing is permitted, but if you're poor then your destiny will be in charged by the rich. As simple as that.

However once there was a Japanese TV channel has visited this city before Hong Kong returns to China,  everyone in the city were incredibly amazed by the Japanese, because there was none of these people dare to get in there - but if you want to visit you'll have to pay someone to take you in there , but you don't need passports! (laughs!)
Kowloon Walled City Reconstruction

In Japan, there is a place called ' Kawasaki Warehouse', they developed a theme park based on the 'City'. all the little things from the city was recreated nearly 99% similar (apart from the language ).
Kowloon Walled City @ Kawasaki Warehouse
Kanagawa Prefecture, 
Kawasaki, Kawasaki Ward, Nisshincho, 3-7

-The address of 'Kawasaki Warehouse'.

People described here as a ''BEEHIVE'' or ''Maze''

Incredible claustrophobic footage from inside the Kowloon Walled City :

Photo taken in the 1970s.

Poverty and crimes were the matters in the Kowloon Walled City, therefore the refugees from China (China wasn't open to the others until 1989) took advantages to stay in Hong Kong by living inside and because ID's or certificates are not needed (Chinese doctors weren't allowed to open their own clinics before 1997), there were over a hundreds of dentists and doctors from China operating their clinics illegally.

Furthermore things were so cheap in there even wages, most of the traditional hong kong snacks or food were 90% made in inside the 'city'.
Including :

Hong Kong's most famous fish ball and Put chai Ko (A local traditional snack in Hong Kong) 
Fish ball.
Putchai KO. 

The city was also next to the former airport in Hong Kong - Kai Tak Airport. so the buildings are not allowed to build higher than the limit where the government has set (even though the former government of Hong Kong couldn't take care of this place).
Obviously, there are still some people listens to the law.

But in the 1997 Hong Kong has to be handover to China on the 1/7/1997, so everything has to be cleared out from the city because after the handover ceremony, the kowloon walled city belongs to China so they had to move people from the 'city' to outside. The government did pay them to find  new houses and start a new business.

1994 - The 'city' has been officially broken down into pieces, a year later in 1995, the former place of the 'city' has been developed as a park instead of buildings.

Kowloon Walled City Park -

Kowloon Walled City Park

If you visit Hong Kong, make sure you go to this amazing park, now it's full of histories and museums to introduce and explain the history behind the 'city'.\

Kelsey x

Sunday, 31 July 2016

Sachertorte - Vienna's most famous chocolate cake.

Hotel Sache - Opposite to the Museum Albertina.
After a great walk at the museum, then to the Cafe Sache.
The most famous chocolate cake as known as the 'Sachertorte' was made in here , and it has been known in the worldwide the most delicious cake ever!

Mostly, Japanese will order through their website and send it through post to taste the wonderful delicious cake.
Never been this excited before, I actually have a chance to taste this lovely piece of cake. It has been a pleasure to share my experience to the viewers.

History behind the cake :

This chocolate cake is said to be invented in Vienna by the chef Franz Sacher in 1832. It improves if left a day or two before cutting.


  • 140g/5oz plain chocolate
  • 140g/5oz unsalted butter, softened
  • 115g/4oz caster sugar
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract
  • 5 free-range eggs, separated
  • 85g/3oz ground almonds
  • 55g/2oz plain flour, sieved

For the topping and the icing

  • 6 tbsp apricot jam, sieved
  • 140g/5oz plain chocolate
  • 200ml/7fl oz double cream
  • 25g/1oz milkchocolate

Inside a sachetorte, it's not just chocolate, there is some apricot jams inside the cake which makes it creamy and rich.

Vienna - City of Music.

Vienna, as known as the city of music. where Strauss II was born, Mozart worked.
100 years ago this glittering city gave birth to an artistic and cultural revolution,it was a revolution has changed the future and secured Vienna's one of the world greatest cities.
It was a pleasure to visit this wonderful city and see some original art works by Monet and Picasso (so much more!)
Visiting the Schonbrunn Palace, discovering the histories and background behind the Hapsburg Family.
Wiener Schnitzels with cranberry sauce and a glass of sparkling wine - Austrian's traditional food.
Vienna is a truly inspirational city, it is a city that you can walk on footsteps of some history's greatest minds, exploring monumental and palaces and stand in front a priceless artwork.
The best way to savour Vienna is slowby on foot where you can see a lot of different achitectures around you all the time.

Kelsey x 

Saturday, 28 May 2016

I baked a cake! ( sucessfully!)

The most successful thing I've ever done in my life.

Not even joking this is actually my first time and I'm very glad I didn't poison anyone :)

Yeah, I know I have an exam (English literature) in the next morning,
It was an easy exam and wasn't too stressful.

I followed the recipe and everything's fine apart from the fact I didn't use vegetable oils, I used butter instead but it's very moist and soft ( I brought it in to school at half 7 but still good at 3pm!)

Even the icing's successful.
I thought I wouldn't be able to write or draw on it :D but then it turned out GREAT!!!

I'm glad everyone liked it!

Furthermore,  thanks for attending my little (puny, small) party yesterday afternoon!!

Good luck in your future and I hope to see you very soon! (When you see me I'll be a successful person don't worry).

Kelsey x

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Proactive during exam period;


Not gonna lie but I am those people who gets distracted so easily then I end up not revising and failing all my exams.
Which this is absolutely not a good thing so what I did was, I try to find a way to make myself proactive also making myself looking very studious and clever at the same time (You are only doing this to impress the teachers so they will stop calling you dumb or lazy)

1. Getting yourself colourful or beautful notebooks;

From my personal experience, this would absolutely help you from studying.
It is a motivation.

*But before you start doing this, ask your teacher for permission first

2. Different colour pens

Choose you favourite colour pens , start writing.
It is expensive to buy different colour pens (ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY ARE PILOT).
But imagine after using those pens and writing notes on your notebook, it will look very colourful and cute :D

3. Buy a Tablet /Get some past exam paper on the web (OPTIONAL)

*I am not asking you to buy a tablet, also I am not showing off how rich I am*

A tablet is actually a small laptop (Mine;s a window 10 ) , so you can carry it out or in whenever you want.
*For school or college
Downloading past exam paper or revision not:)



5. Get yourself some cute stationery

So you can stick cute sticky notes or highlight them (This is what I do).

Overall, You should be able to focus on studying - I hope so!

Kelsey xx

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's day!

My Mr.Right is yet to come! 

I want to share a little story with you guys, is that...

I was doing my work in school the other day and I saw a keychain (I assume that was a car key?).

It has got a love quote on it and It got into my head straight away.

Have you guys heard of : I love you to the moon and back ?

Please treasure this precious moment with the love of your life.

Kelsey x

Sunday, 7 February 2016

Japan 2015 Summer Festival!!!(Late post)

I have a feeling, a weird feeling which I wanted to go back to Japan.

Missing the passion and people there :)

 Drinking Hot chocolate in Charles de Gaulle airport :)

 With the Famalam in Japan!

Couldn't ask for more in Japan, Joyrich and everything was in there.
If I could go shopping everyday in Shibuya, I'd go.


After a long day in Kamakura, On the bullet train, on our way back to TOKYO STATION!!!

We were eating *ice*, yes it is ice. indeed it is.

The joy of buying food. 

I've only recently discovered these photos, I know it is a bit late but oh well! 


Monday, 1 February 2016

What will it be?

Progress of my Art Exam...

I have to think of a summary (outcome) for my 10 hours exam.

 I'm trying to stick and draw things on to create an illusion of 3D.  Making my own diary more interesting! :)
Me and The Cheki;s

I have chosen Tenerife for the 1st trip in my diary, so I will be traveling around the Europe then to Asia.
Then go back to Europe , do a 14 days trip in different countries.
The last trip I am planning to do is Hong Kong.

It's been a really really long day! and I am shattered because of doing so much work.
These books keeps me motivated because it inspires me to do work. (Basically).


After a long day, Let us just chill.

I was so happy because I had Art and Physics today, which it weren't that bad and I enjoyed all the lessons. so far apart from Spanish.

I bought Bubbleology on the way home because I thought it'd be good to praise myself doing work in lesson and behaving like a Year 11 girl nowadays.

Kelsey xx\