Saturday, 25 February 2017

We were stayin' in Paris, getting away from our parents!

 Paris - city of love ...or is it?

An untold story I would like to share with the others.

The sun rises from the east, shining bright across Paris, as known as the capital of France, whereas millions of visitors came to visit every year.
They flock to the city, visit the Eiffel tower, her legs are strong, standing still in the central of the city, smiling towards everyone who walks beneath her...The sorrow in her face has told me being strong all the time isn't beneficial at all...

I flew all the way from the United Kingdom, landed dramatically seeing Paris, one of the world's greatest city (as an Alpha city), nonetheless food, fashion and arts, nothing in the world could compare with the greatest collections they have in the Museum de Louvre.
Walked around, faded away.
I came to the city with tears, saddened the day would be the night for me here, closing my eyes hearing my heart beats fast... realizing I stand no position in his heart. 
Alongside the river seine, water flushes away quickly and gently - reflection from the surface of the water showed me my drained face... showing sorrow on the face, bitter within the mouth but not willing to speak up.

Alone, unknown, back stooped, hands crossed.

I will never be able to see the glow of his face, cheeks or smile because I am just an anonymous to him, we used to be so close, however, tightened by a loose string... 
She asked where do you want to go, and he follows.
I stand alone, alone. seeing your face with happiness.
He was my north, south, west and east, she tore everything apart all I left was memories in my brain, maybe long term memories?
I had the chance of confessing myself, but would he even be able to listen to everything I say, especially his heart clings to the girl he likes... Standing in front of the Tour de Eiffel, crying with a resentful, remorseful and regretful feeling.
Heart full of unsatisfactory, asking myself 'Why, I was supposed to be the girl you're hugging', strolling down an alleyway in floods with tears.

I say Goodnight, he says Goodbye coldly.


Friday, 17 February 2017

Berlinale - Berlin's International Film Festival


An absolute honour to be invited by Audi DE to the Audi VIP Lounge to experience something I have never dreamed about it.
Walking on red carpets, waving at famous movie stars and film directors.

Definitely an unforgettable experience and luxurious moment to remember.
An opportunity for me to meet different people, I spoke to a few journalists which they came from Franc, Italy and Portugal.
I was stood there with a cool toned face, very shy until they started to approach me haha.

Berlinale Palast - 2/09/2017 - 2/19/2017

This is no joke, the news reporter was in front of me

Free drinks in Audi lounge, as it was very very cold and dry.
The lounge is situated outside so it was freezing, but I am so glad free hot drinks were given.
I order a small pint of Apple Ginger Juice


Kelsey xoxo

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Ich liebe dich :)

 Brandenburg Tor - He was my north, east, south and west

On my way to Brandenburg Tor, one of Germany's famous monument!

Sunset at 5pm - Berlin

Dawn, sunset... Brandenburg Tor in Berlin has gone through a lot of things, especially the war since the 18th century till now. 

MALL OF BERLIN - 5 minutes walk from Brandenburg Tor

Mall of Berlin,  located 5 minutes away from the Brandenburg Tor, I walked from Brandenburg Tor on a freezing cold winter night, but it was worth a visit, while you're strolling down the street you'll walk past the memorial blocks of the Jews. 
Make sure you make your way down in the morning if you want to visit the Jews Museum or the memorial statues, no street lights or anything at night - MAKE SURE YOU DON'T WALK ON IT TOO.

Mall of Berlin - for me it is definitely a paradise as you can see it is massive and has over 300 stores!!

Sony Center in Potsdamer Platz - 

Sony Center contains a mix of shops, restaurants, a conference center, hotel rooms, luxurious rented suites and condominiums, offices, art and film museums, cinemas, an IMAX theater, a Legoland Discovery Centre, and a "Sony Style" store.
 During major sports events like the 2006 FIFA World Cup, the center also had a large television screen on which the games were broadcast to viewers sitting in the large open area in the middle.
The Sony Center is located near the Berlin Potsdamer Platz railway station, which can be accessed on foot. A large shopping center is nearby, as are many hotels, the Deutsche Bahn central offices, and an office building featuring the fastest lift in Europe.

Visiting Potsdamer Platz at night is a totally different experience in contrast of during day time, I remembered that I walked passed the Sony Center during day, nothing special it was just an ordinary shopping center , isn't attractive or maybe I should say the Neon lights aren't turned on,therefore it was just completely normal.
Heading back during night - before the Berlinale International Film Festival
Absolutely stunning, marvellous and I couldn't express how beautiful I'd describe this place...

Sony Center displays a "cyberpunk corporate urban (futuristic)" aesthetic.
Looking at the architecture and the building of the Sony Center, it's unique, I mean I'd never ever find something like this in London, especially an outdoor mall.

Sony Center
10785 Berlin

Kelsey xoxo 

Divided not only the city but the world. - MEET BERLIN

Berlin - stands upon the vast European Plain in Northeastern Germany, on the banks of the River Spree

Berlin's history has been one of the most triumph and tragedy, tyranny and transformation, brought to her knees by the two World wars and then divided by The cold war between the East and West Germany (1961-1989).
However, this glittering city has been reemerged to become one of the world's top economic and creative powerhouse.
Furthermore, Berlin enjoys an air spaciousness which is very unusual in European cities, I always see forest and tall trees around me, and the leaves fell off leaving all the tree trunks, giving me an illusion of the forest in Corpse bride(Movie created by Tim Burton).
That grim and dark feeling I must say I have never experienced such things before!

For 28 years, the Berlin Wall - the most potent symbol of the Cold War - divided not only the city but the world.
Twenty-five years after its fall, little remains of the barrier between East and West,
but those seeking to understand its impact needn't look far.

Learning the story of the wall has given me a thought of how valuable freedom is.

Nonetheless, I may not be German or have not been experienced any of the World War but by reading the posts and visiting the exhibitions inside the East Side Gallery, you will finally understand how valuable freedom and money is to East Germany in the past.
They crawl over the walls risking their own life just to cross the border to West Germany - people who get caught will be taken to prisons or somewhere no one knows...

East Side Gallery is a monument to freedom of expression -

Wall murals had previously been a highlight for visitors and a Berlin attraction for years but were only to be found on the western side of the Wall. The artists transformed the grey concrete rearticulating this into a lasting expression of freedom and reconciliation.

Standing next to the Letter 'M' - a priceless artwork in Berlin

Wearing black as this is a black history, a history that no one wants to be reemerged or be told again :)

East Side Gallery - 
10243 Berlin, Germany

Kelsey xoxo <3 

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Berlin - 2/14/2017

Reichstag building for breakfast with the German MPs

Strolling down the Berlin city, walking to the Reichstag building for breakfast, the bells near the building rang, as I remembered it is Valentines day today.
Furthermore a day to remember the people who sacrificed their lives to protect their love ones. 

Once I landed in Berlin, there has been a mixture feeling between the Western Germany and Eastern Germany - even though they don't exist anymore however seeing the old architectures, park or the city Berlin itself. The dark history behind it still couldn't be wiped off after many years.
I absolutely admire Berlin as it has been one of the top list countries... 

My last travel experience with Germany was in Stuttgart, in contrast of Stuttgart, Berlin has captured most of Germany's history, if you like histories why not visit the amazing city then?

Shine bright , tonight... 

 Mushroom Omelette with herbs (no cheese)  with a glass of fresh apple juice ♡

Reichstag Dome

-7 degrees ... I walk because I know as I walk further I'm getting stronger...

It was a magnificent view from the Reishstag building to view the Berlin City, definitely worth spending my valentines day with this tremendous city, worth a visit... 

I wished he'd notice or come with me and spread the German love with me... 

In the afternoon, I went to the Pergamon Museum and Neues Museum.
What's so special about them, well ask yourself sweetie.

Pergamon Museum is mainly architectures or histories of the Babylon, a city has been destroyed million million years ago! 

Neues was my favourite, due to the fact Nefertiti's head, her amazing gorgeous stunning head statue is situated inside the Museum. When I was small my sister used to call me Cleopatra and I call her Nefera, as they both are Egypt's most beautiful queen (or Pharaoh for Cleopatra) 😍😍 
Nonetheless, I used to have a black straight Bob haircut therefore it could be a reason why I was named as Cleopatra ❤❤ 

Heart beats fast - writing postcards

If you request, I'd do my best to write you a lovely postcard for sure and making sure it is shipped safe and sound💋 

A cup of hot chocolate and a piece of German Cheesecake in Neues Museum after visiting my sister! (Oh my!) 

Whoever gets this postcard, I wish you luck... 

Address of the Pergamon Museum :

Address of Neues Museum :

Address of Reichstag Building :

Address of the Kafer restaurant on top of Reichstag building : 
Booking is required if you would like to go for a visit.

im Deutschen Bundesta 
Platz der Republik
11011 Berlin 

Kelsey xoxoxoxoxoxo xxxxxx 

Monday, 13 February 2017

He slept a summer by my side - Valentines Day

When you can't seem to think about anything but one special person.
Crushes make you smile for no reason, daydream relentlessly, and feel extra motivated to go to school. They also make you reread text conversations a hundred times, just because. They are fun and innocent and sometimes, if you are extra lucky, they can even lead to love.

I would try to give in but he never takes it in, just like what happened in Paris before. We were so close but he fades away after sleeping by my side for a summer... I would love to stay but he left me in autumn with tears dropping on my guitar. 

If only a time machine is invented, I could go back to 11/1/2016 and fix everything for sure, couldn't I? 

Tucked in his pocket - a poem I would like to share...

There he goes walking with his friends
Little does he know he's got my heart tucked in his back pocket
I stand there waitin' for you to notice
That I'm crushin on you, boy, anad I just can't stop it

He flashes a smile and I melt like butter
He speaks to me and I can only stutter

Here I stand staring at my feet
When he walks by, can he hear my heart beat?
It's got its melody when he's around
He picks me up when I'm feeling down

When he looks into my eyes and smiles
Can he see how much he drives me wild?
He's adorable and wonderful
Incredible and unbelievable

I wish I could tell him everything I feel
And hearts not the only thing I want to steal
His breath, his kiss
I wanna be the one he'll miss

When he closes his eyes
Wanna be his last goodbye
His most treasured

#berlin #romance #happyvalentines 

Kelsey xx 

Ryan Air from Manchester to Berlin

New and fresh - first time! 

I have never taken Ryanair before mostly I take big airlines such as Emirates or Cathay Pacific etc.
My first experience as It was only a short haul trip so why not? 
The trip started with a bit of disappointed though, a 2 hours delay and when I reached my final destination it was already around 5pm at night. 
I felt like I wasted a day and night wandering around Berlin City at night, some plans were cancelled unfortunately... 

But, the view from the plane to the atmosphere was great ❤❤❤