Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Berlin - 2/14/2017

Reichstag building for breakfast with the German MPs

Strolling down the Berlin city, walking to the Reichstag building for breakfast, the bells near the building rang, as I remembered it is Valentines day today.
Furthermore a day to remember the people who sacrificed their lives to protect their love ones. 

Once I landed in Berlin, there has been a mixture feeling between the Western Germany and Eastern Germany - even though they don't exist anymore however seeing the old architectures, park or the city Berlin itself. The dark history behind it still couldn't be wiped off after many years.
I absolutely admire Berlin as it has been one of the top list countries... 

My last travel experience with Germany was in Stuttgart, in contrast of Stuttgart, Berlin has captured most of Germany's history, if you like histories why not visit the amazing city then?

Shine bright , tonight... 

 Mushroom Omelette with herbs (no cheese)  with a glass of fresh apple juice ♡

Reichstag Dome

-7 degrees ... I walk because I know as I walk further I'm getting stronger...

It was a magnificent view from the Reishstag building to view the Berlin City, definitely worth spending my valentines day with this tremendous city, worth a visit... 

I wished he'd notice or come with me and spread the German love with me... 

In the afternoon, I went to the Pergamon Museum and Neues Museum.
What's so special about them, well ask yourself sweetie.

Pergamon Museum is mainly architectures or histories of the Babylon, a city has been destroyed million million years ago! 

Neues was my favourite, due to the fact Nefertiti's head, her amazing gorgeous stunning head statue is situated inside the Museum. When I was small my sister used to call me Cleopatra and I call her Nefera, as they both are Egypt's most beautiful queen (or Pharaoh for Cleopatra) 😍😍 
Nonetheless, I used to have a black straight Bob haircut therefore it could be a reason why I was named as Cleopatra ❤❤ 

Heart beats fast - writing postcards

If you request, I'd do my best to write you a lovely postcard for sure and making sure it is shipped safe and sound💋 

A cup of hot chocolate and a piece of German Cheesecake in Neues Museum after visiting my sister! (Oh my!) 

Whoever gets this postcard, I wish you luck... 

Address of the Pergamon Museum :

Address of Neues Museum :

Address of Reichstag Building :

Address of the Kafer restaurant on top of Reichstag building : 
Booking is required if you would like to go for a visit.

im Deutschen Bundesta 
Platz der Republik
11011 Berlin 

Kelsey xoxoxoxoxoxo xxxxxx 

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