Monday, 7 September 2015

CrEaMy CaKeS DrEsS From June till now

I really do enjoy doing the dress, It was blue and I liked the colour blue.
And the flowers were in different colour (At first I started my dress);
I did not choose the colours of the flowers, which I think it was my 'matcha' who was giving me advices to do the flowers in Orange, Yellow and White, to let the blue dress stand out.

 I think I forgot what happened to me last week, I just started to paint the dress with white paint.

Everyone said it looks great on white paint, but don't you think it's a bit too pale...
Or maybe the colour doesn't stands out that much that I expected?

The colours of the flowers stayed the same though.

Even my 'matcha' thinks it's better in Blue.

This is how I did the flowers.

In the science room.


Kelsey xx

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